
Sunday, 6 October 2013

Thursday 3rd October 2013 Schmöckwitz to Grosse Tränke. 25.7kms 1 lock

Following a police launch up Seddingsee
Clear blue skies all day, sunny but with a very chilly SE wind. Set off at 9.40 am ten minutes after the cruiser behind us set off down the lake. We went under the road bridge and into the end of the Langer Dahme lake, turning right into the Seddinsee following a WSP launch. The police boat went on up the lake while we turned right on to the start of the Oder-Spree-Kanal (OSK) through the forest. 
Weir between lock chambers at Werndorf
Mike though it would be warmer sheltered by the trees but no, the wind was in our faces and blowing hard, making it very cold. Two and half kilometres to the lock at Werndorf where the canal crosses the Werndorfersee with access back to Schmöckwitz via the Krossinsee to our right and the rest of the Werndorfersee to our left is blocked off to boat traffic. We tied to another horizontal tubular mooring for lock waiting and Mike called the keeper on the intercom. OK, ready in ten minutes. Wow, an answer straight away and they understood one another! 
Empty barge Phonix overtaking on OSK
The left hand chamber of the pair started to empty (nordkammer 57.5m x 9.5m, the sudkammer was longer at 67.5m but narrower at 8.5m) and when the lights changed to green we went in and I attached our centre line to a bollard recessed in the wall. The lock filled through the floor and pushed the boat hard against the wall, squashing our fenders, so I hadn’t got enough room to move and I stood by the ladder recess and Mike stood on the roof to move the rope up to the higher bollards as we rose 4.6m. 
Bird of prey near Spreenhagen
The keeper was in his cabin right next to where we surfaced and Mike had a chat with him about the new lock (still don’t know where it is or even if they’ve actually built it yet). He told us as it was a National holiday today the locks would close at 6 pm. The top end gate lowered to the bed of the canal and we left at 10.55 am. Back into the forest with the wind howling through the flag ropes on the mast at our fore end. Under the A10 Berliner ring road and noted there was a communications mast with a car park next to it where at least a dozen cars were parked. We’d noticed there were a few people walking dogs down the towpath towards the lock but now there were people coming back to their cars from the other direction with baskets – mushrooming in the forest, a good occupation for a holiday. 
The double floodlock at Grosse Tranke is no more!
All that remains is one lock wall (left of pic)
They all waved and said hello as we passed. At KP55 there were several fishermen. Around KP58 an empty 67m barge called Phönix caught up and overtook as a cruiser went past in the opposite direction. The barge skipper had his wheelhouse down and was wrapped up like us due to the cold wind. He waved and shouted hello. Through the village of Spreenhagen tucked away in the forest. Around KP65 a cruiser went past (a Birchwood, which are British made) then at KP66 near Braunsdorf a small open fishing boat went past also in the opposite direction to us. 
Muggelspree weir, pegel and bootsgasse.
Mike took photos of a bird of prey, which landed on an old bridge abutment and stayed there – they usually fly off as soon as a camera is pointed in their direction! The twin flood locks at Grosse Tränke had gone, all that remained was one lock wall on the left hand side. We turned left into the end of the Muggelspree just after the lock as two women in their thirties in kayaks paddled past us. The leading one asked where we were going. Mike replied “Here”. 
Moored between the pegel station and the bootsgasse,
Muggelspree at Grosse Tranke
We think she thought we were aiming for the low metal landing stage for the bootsgässe (trolley for hauling small boats out up the slope, past the weir and back down the rails into the water beyond the weir), which they were about to use. We moored between the steps to a pegel (water level marker) and the end of the metal staging. There were crowds of people milling around and lots of cyclists as there was a small car park on the opposite bank of the little river. It was 2.45 pm. Once we were securely moored above the weir we packed up and went indoors, glad to be out of the wind.

1 comment:

  1. All looks lovely and agree with you about the chilling wind, we have had it too for several days altho has stopped now. Think the bird looks like a buzzard, too big for a harrier?
